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Your Complete Salaah Management App.

Manage your prayer obligations in a convenient and intuitive way. Do you want to keep track of where you've prayed, no problem with built-in Foursquare® integration. Do you Need to track and repay Qada'a, it's a breeze with this app.

                - Display Salaah times based on your current location
                - Record completed Salaah and the Masjid where you've prayed
                - Configure, Record and Track your completed Qada'a.
                - Get the correct Qiblah Direction from anywhere on earth
                - View a map of every Masjid that you record a Salaah at
                - Configurable Prayer time Alarm

Please rate the app, we appreciate all feedback.
هذا البرنامج يدعم اللغة العربية ايضا
Imran Moolla