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News360: Your Personalized News Reader

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News360: Your Personalized News Reader

News360 is your personal news app.

Just select a few interests and News360 will create a personalized news feed available on your iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch. You can dig into any story to see all of the perspectives or just skim the headlines to keep on top of your interests.

As you use it, News360 learns what you enjoy and adjusts the newsfeed so that it always remains interesting and important. Stay informed with fresh, unbiased 360 coverage of everything you want to read -- and none of the noise.

The New York Times: News360 has to be one of the better news aggregating [apps] Ive seen on any platform

A flexible and smart personalization system allows you to tailor your newsfeed as you want it. Choose the topics, sources, companies and people you want to follow, and News360 will pick up on the nuances of your interests as you read.

More than 100,000 sources, from the top national news providers, to local niche websites and blogs.

The Home feed combines top stories of the day, local news and your specific interests into a single stream making sure you never miss anything important.

A beautiful interface that allows you to quickly scan headlines, preview stories and dive deep into the content.

Connect your social media accounts to make News360 even smarter about what you like. Share stories to your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pocket, Instapaper or Evernote with one tap.

Save stories onto your device to read on a flight or in the subway. Synchronize your interests and saved stories with News360 on any phone, tablet or at

Featured by Apple in New & Noteworthy, Whats Hot
"Apps We Like: News360" The Wall Street Journal
"News360 is excellent, innovative, and free" The Unofficial Apple Weblog
News360 is changing the content delivery game Robert Scoble
Appy Awards - Best News App of 2013

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News360 Inc.

News360 is an app that learns what you enjoy and finds stories youll like around the web