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TripTracker Bus & Train Times

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TripTracker Bus & Train Times

Everything you need to get around Brisbane using public transport, whether it’s by bus, train or ferry. We cover it all with live bus and train locations.

► Live Departures: Browse and view bus stops on the map, explore upcoming departures, and check out the routes from a stop to see where you could travel next.

► Journey Planning: Plan your commute, trip to the shops or night out with friends.

► Timetables: All timetables are available instantly in the palm of your hand.

► Favourites: Quickly save your favourite stations, timetables and journeys, with quick access from one convenient menu.

► Live Directions: Get step-by-step directions with live guidance. Know how long you need to walk to your station, view your arrival time, receive get-off alerts as you approach your destination, and more.

► Disruptions: You’ll be able to keep up to date with service changes.

Please note that the app requires data access and works best with GPS / location on. Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. Background GPS is only used when you have a Get Off Alert turned on.

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Transit Now ltd