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Finance Bay
Finance Bay
Track, analyze, and benchmark your investments.HISTORICAL WALLET STATISTICSTrack all your investments across multiple brokerage accounts. Add assets to different wallets and access detailed statistics on historical prices, dividend history, upcoming events, asset allocation, related news, and more. Customize transaction categories to suit your needs.UNLIMITED PORTFOLIOSCombine wallets in any way to suit your investment strategy. Get detailed historical statistics for each portfolio. Manage third-party portfolios and easily share performance metrics, value changes, and dividends. No more spreadsheets—get all investments in one place with continuous, relevant statistics.HISTORICAL ASSETS DATACreate watchlists to track favorite stocks and access historical charts for performance analysis. Stay updated with upcoming events and latest news. Supports over 70,000 stocks across multiple exchanges, including the whole U.S. market, XETRA, EURONEX, TSX, SEDAR, SEHK and more.MULTI-DEVICE SUPPORTSynchronize your portfolio across all Apple devices using your iCloud account for always accessible and up-to-date data.PRIVACY AND SECURITYYour privacy is our priority. We do not share or sell your data. Use our tracker with confidence, knowing your information remains private.Privacy Policy: of Service: