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by Anders Munck
by Anders Munck
From the conversion geeks at NulKommaFire, here is a unit converter that goes above and beyond to save you time and make conversion fun again: • Hassle-free - Convert anything with just a few swipes. • Built-in intelligence - Auto-selects units for you • Global search - No need to remember categories • Easter eggs - Hidden features and fun facts to learn from • Huge unit library - More than 200 units and more comingActivity viewsNo need to browse through all units if all you want to do is bake a cake. Units for common activities like Cooking, Carpentry, Sailing, and more are collected on their own page for easy access. And yes, we included Space-flight. We're nerds.Also on your watchIf you're away from your phone or tablet, no problem. Activity views are available on your watch as well.This app is our first project and we're dedicated to making it the best converter on the App Store, so if you have any issues, suggestions, or praise, don't hesitate to reach out. Particularly praise, as that gives us extra energy to work on the other two :)