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National Weather Forecast Data
National Weather Forecast Data
The fastest way to access NWS/NOAA weather data.Simply tap anywhere on the map and view NOAA's spot specific weather forecast.7-DAY NWS/NOAA WEATHER FORECAST - Text Summary, Spot & Zone Forecast - Weather, Sky, Wind & Waves - Snow Accumulation & Probability - Severe Weather HazardsNATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DISCUSSION - Weather Synopsis - Short Term Forecast - Long Term Forecast - Severe Weather Forecast - Aviation Weather - Marine Weather - Hazard Potential OutlookACCESS 40,000+ WEATHER STATIONS - Air Temperature - Wind Speed, Gust, Direction - Dew Point, RH, Wind Chill - Pressure, Solar Radiation, PrecipitationNote: Data availability varies by weather station Access NOAA weather radar map overlays-- PRO SUBSCRIPTION FEATURES -- + Hourly Weather Forecast + High Resolution Satellite Imagery + 16-Day Weather Forecast Models + Hi-Res Weather Simulation Models + Winter Weather / Rainfall GraphicsHOURLY WEATHER FORECAST - Air Temperature - Wind Speed, Gust, Direction - Probability of Precipitation - Cloud Cover - Relative Humidity - Signifiant Wave Height - Wind Waves - Swell (Primary / Secondary Swell if Available)GOES HI-RES SATELLITE IMAGERYFifteen (15) Satellite Imagery Filters - Visible (Band 2) - Near IR (Bands 4 & 5) - Infrared (Bands 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 & 16) - Nighttime Microphysics - Day Cloud Phase - True Color - Air Mass - Sandwich16-DAY WEATHER FORECAST MODELS - Global Forecast System (GFS) - Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) - North American Ensemble (NAEFS)WEATHER SIMULATION FORECAST MODELS - WaveWatch III (WW3) - Hi-Res Rapid Refresh (HRRR) - Hi-Res Ensemble Forecast (HREF) - North American Mesoscale (NAM) - Hi-Res North American Mesoscale (NAM-HIRES) - High Resolution Window (HRW-FV3, HRW-ARW, HRW-ARW2)TERMS & CONDITIONS* Available for iPhone & iPadForecast coverage includes: - Continental USA - Hawaii - Alaska - Puerto RicoFeel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions.Enjoy.