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Do you want to improve your Maximal Aerobic Speed (MAS) ? This App is done for you !
MAS, is a useful tool for measuring performance, training prescription, and monitoring training loads more ACCURATELY.

There are many tests which can be used to measure an athlete’s MAS, but for many, “corrective” equations must be used to accurately determine their MAS. This Apps does all this correction for you in three different test:
VAMEVAL test, COOPER test and Luc-Leger test!

After measure your MAS, this App help you to improve MAS with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) specially design with your performance.

At the end of the session, you can share your challenge with your friends on FaceBook or Tweeter, and keep a track on the iPhone calendar and on the "Log Book" integrated at the application.

For simplicity:
- The Apple Watch application allows you to know where you are in your workout in a glance!
- The links with HealthKit application of the iPhone makes it easy to merge your health data!
- You can choose between imperial or metrics unit.

"Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life."
Yannick VENNET