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BodyTalk reminds you check in on your personal health to track the things you care about.

Whether it's physical symptoms, exercise, thoughts or feelings, your menstrual cycle, or anything else, BodyTalk keeps you in tune on the exact schedule that you set. And it offers the transparency of a CSV export so that all of your tracked data points can be opened for further analysis or even backed up over time.

You control what to track. You control if you want to set up scheduled Reminders as notifications. Use your Apple Watch to quickly track symptoms, and respond quickly to scheduled check-ins.

All of your data is stored locally to your phone. It's not a part of a web service and it's not connected to HealthKit in any way. If you delete the app, you may delete your tracked history, so be sure to Export any data you want to keep.

Here are some good ideas on what to track:
Your Day-to-Day Health
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Vomit
- Thirsty
- Weak
- Gas/Bloating
- Cramps
- Insomnia

Your Period
- Cycle started
- Cycle ended
- Spotting
- Discharge

Possible Trigger Foods
- Dairy
- Coffee
- Alcohol
- Gluten

Mental Health
- Sad
- Stressed
- Anxious
Natalie Podrazik