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Apple Watch Analysis "Proves" Lack Of Buyers

Apple Watch Analysis "Proves" Lack Of Buyers

April 15, 2015

Ari Levy, CNBC:

Apple Watch: Consumers looking, not buying … yet
* Survey shows only 3.2 percent will buy now


Look, a million 2.3 million people already bought one. Apple Watch might be on track to be Apple’s fastest-selling launch product ever.

As for folks backing off buying right this minute, maybe that’s because pre-orders are now showing delivery dates between June and July. Most people won’t earmark the funds for a high-dollar item that far out, particularly when they’re already convinced that the thing’s going to be commercially and socially ubiquitous soon enough anyways. Levy goes on:

An Apple spokesperson didn’t respond to a request for comment.

That’s the only part of his entire premise that makes any sense.