Even You Can Try On Apple Watch Edition
Luke Villapaz, International Business Times:
Apple will begin booking appointments to try on the Apple Watch April 10. The standard appointment will be 15 minutes, but the company will offer an additional 15 minutes of try-on time to shoppers who express interest in the most expensive Apple Watch Edition versions, which start at $10,000 and finish at $17,000.
And Apple will give the extra time even to those who feign interest.
I give it a week.
Unless Apple’s only offering Edition in the highest end of high end boutiques, this sort of free “rich person experience” can’t last. Apple simply won’t be able to accommodate serious buyers if their stores are burdened with huge crowds of posers queued up to waste everyone’s time by taking selfies showing off jewelry they could never afford in the first place.
On the other hand, all those Instagram and Twitter pics would certainly hype up Edition even more, and that might well play into both Apple’s marketing scheme and the core of the luxury mindset itself: “Yeah, you can try it on, but I can wear one every day.”
In either case, if you want to put this thing on your wrist for a half hour in heaven, I’d recommend showing up early in your Sunday finest and getting in touch with your inner Pacino.