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Designing For Wearables: A Comprehensive Treatise

Designing For Wearables: A Comprehensive Treatise

March 22, 2015

Josh Bradshaw, Work Tech Work:

For example, and this is a partially fictitious example to protect the innocent, if a wearable idea incorporates a camera on wearers elbows, focusing on creating a camera is probably not the best use of time. Finding a partner and using their camera will free up precious time to focus on the technology, the strategy and the team who will take the most amazing and compelling elbow wearable camera product to market.

Focus on the niche your wearable team can be best at in the world, whether it’s hardware, software or some other aspect. Once that is figured out, when someone comes along and suggests that the wearable elbow camera would do amazing things if the software were altered for cows or monkeys, you’ll know what to do. Otherwise no one will take you serious because you are not focused because while you are focused on cameras, cows and monkeys, your funds will dry up, your investors if you had them in the first place will walk away and what is left of your team will be blaming the market for not being ready for your killer application of wearable technology.

Partially fictitious.