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WatchAware: Answering The Questions On Everyone's Wrist

WatchAware: Answering The Questions On Everyone's Wrist

February 24, 2015

Welcome to WatchAware!

From Apple Watch’s unveiling last September, the company has remained intentionally — and in some cases, frustratingly — vague about why exactly their newest flagship exists in the first place. All Apple seems to be openly adamant about is that its wearable sets the new standard for the world’s largest and most recognized consumer electronics brand, offering “an unparalleled level of technical innovation” that makes Apple Watch its “most personal device ever.”

But what does it all mean?

That’s what we’re excited to explore here at WatchAware. All around the Internet, pundits and critics alike don’t seem to understand the point — the real potential — of Apple Watch. People seem fixated on discussing only the most superficial aspects of the new wearable without digging beneath the surface. Everyone seems uninterested (or unable) to figure out the “why” beneath the “what.”

At WatchAware, we aren’t buying the notion that Apple Watch is just a “second screen” for your iPhone or iPad. We’re not particularly concerned about the price or the launch date. We don’t really care about which company is making what component. All these things are important to some small degree, but they fail to get at the crux of the quandary. They fail to convey the reality that we are standing on the edge of a fundamental shift in computing itself. So that’s what we’re here to do, and we’re doing it in three main ways.

Latest News

While we aren’t interested in regurgitating other outlets’ posts or content, there are some relevant Apple Watch musings emanating from the blogosphere. A few are truly insightful and important. But even when they’re not, when someone’s asking the wrong question, they often suggest or hint at a more important revelation. So every day, we’re providing links to and brief analysis of the most interesting pieces of Apple Watch news available. We don’t want to summarize those stories, we just want to send you to the source with our perspective in tow. Sometimes, we might even send you there smiling at a joke or two, because tech isn’t always serious business, and neither are tech blogs. Everyone needs a little attitude, after all. You can find ours in the Latest News section.


WatchAware is beholden to the Big Idea, to examining and embracing the groundbreaking new communications paradigm that Apple’s got up its sleeve. No, we don’t have all the answers, but we have a lot of ideas, and we ask the most important questions. We want to move the conversation forward. We want to get people thinking critically about how Apple Watch changes everything they thought they knew about wearables and personal computing alike. Around the tech community, we see all the wrong ideas being pushed to the forefront. We want to fix that. To do so, we’re bringing you our own in-depth considerations about the deeper purposes of Apple Watch, which you’ll find in the Features section.


But news links and original articles are only half of our project at WatchAware. The other half is dedicated to highlighting, explaining, previewing, and reviewing all the best indie and mainstream Apple Watch apps as they begin to surface. We’ve already started speaking with developers, and their excitement — like ours — is palpable. We want to make sure they have the necessary platform and visibility to get their ideas off to a running start. You can stay up to speed with the app development front in our Apps section.

With Apple Watch, Apple is once again primed to dismiss the critics as it fundamentally changes our personal and networked mobile experiences, connecting everyone to the world around them in ways never before deemed practical or thought possible.

You’ve heard about Apple Watch, but are you WatchAware?

Keep us on hand, and you will be.