New York’s Union Square Cafe will use Apple Watches to Improve Customer Service
The Union Square Cafe, located in New York City will begin using Apple Watches in an attempt to improve its customer service, according to Eater.
When Meyer’s 30-year-old Union Square Cafe reopens in Manhattan next month, every floor manager and sommelier will be wearing an Apple Watch. And when a VIP walks through the front door, someone orders a bottle of wine, a new table is seated, a guest waits too long to order her or his drink, or a menu item runs out, every manager will get an alert via the tiny computer attached to their wrist.
Danny Meyer, the owner of the popular burger joint, Shake Shack, is working on a new reservation system with startup Resy in order to deliver a new restaurant experience, starting from the reservation until you get your check.
Details on Meyer’s plans are not exactly clear, however, according to Eater an iPad at the restaurant’s host stand will be able to pull up information and quickly deploy that information to managers on the floor who, of course, will be wearing Apple Watches. This way they will be able to offer a more streamlined experience.
When a guest has finished dining, a manager can ping the coat room attendant to fetch the guest’s coat; when a diner orders a bottle of wine, a manager need not print a ticket for the order — instead, ResyOS will ping the sommelier’s Apple Watch.
The Resy reservation system is already pretty interesting. Currently, it allows those reserving a table to invite their guests so that the restaurant knows everyone who is coming. There’s also an integrated payment system that allows guests to split and pay the bill right on their smartphones.
Looks like the Apple Watch is finding its way into a variety of places including businesses now. Remember when people were calling it a flop?