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GeoBlocks Is a Simple, Appealing Game on the Apple Watch

GeoBlocks Is a Simple, Appealing Game on the Apple Watch

May 1, 2016

GeoBlocks is a quick pick-up game that needs very little instruction on how to play. Actually, I’m pretty sure you’ll know what to do as soon as you open it up, as gameplay is not unique. It is, however, quite well-done here.

There is not a complication nor a glance, but Siri does a great job of opening the app if you prefer not to use the app cloud. Start the game and you’ll see a screen full of blocks in five different colors. Tap single-color groups of blocks, which disappear. You earn points for each block, and more blocks slide in to replace them. Continue accumulating points until you have used up your seven turns.


You’ll want to tap on the largest groups of blocks you can. Of course that’s how you earn the most points. Additionally, any group you tap consisting of four or fewer blocks will cost you a turn. A group of five blocks costs you no turns, but doesn’t earn you any. A group of six blocks will earn you an extra turn, seven blocks earns you two turns, and so on. The game is not timed, so you can play quickly or you can think and plan your best strategy. Your statistics are tracked and you can look them up from the menu or reset them at any time.

Some games can look cheesy on the tiny screen, but not GeoBlocks. It’s charming, and it even lets you choose from 11 different color schemes. You can play the game on the iPhone, too, but there you’ll need to pay a $.99 in-app purchase to unlock the additional color schemes and remove the pop-up ads between each round. There are no IAPs or ads on the Apple Watch.


If you’re always on the lookout for a quick, fun, cute little game on the Apple Watch, definitely pick up GeoBlocks for free on the App Store.