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Watch Invasion Reminiscent Of Atari Space Invaders

Watch Invasion Reminiscent Of Atari Space Invaders

April 11, 2016

Growing up in the early days of video gaming, game choices were limited. As a result, pretty much everyone of my generation has played Space Invaders a time or two. Or, probably, a hundred. It’s an uncomplicated game, not terribly exciting by today’s standards. Still, there is a bit of nostalgia to it. Watch Invasion brings that basic Space Invader-type action to the Apple Watch in a pared-down way.

Watch Invasion can only be played on the Apple Watch. The iPhone app exists only to explain the rules for the Apple Watch game. There is no glance or complication, but Siri works well for opening up the game on your watch. Of course you can always open it from the app cloud if you prefer.

Watch Invasion

Watch Invasion’s gameplay could not be simpler. That familiar-looking alien drops down slowly from the sky. You control Planet Earth by turning the Digital Crown. Scroll down to move left, scroll up to move right. Catch the alien, and you turn into a smiley emoji for a split second and get a point. Miss the alien, and you turn into a skull emoji, game over. Like Space Invaders, the more aliens you capture, the faster new aliens come down.

Watch Invasion

That’s all there is to it. It’s an enjoyable way to pass a few seconds or minutes, especially for nostalgic Gen Xers and retro gaming fans of all ages. Watch Invasion is free on the App Store.