BeWeather 2 Offers A Fully Customizable Weather Complication And More
BeWeather 2 is the weather app for everyone, because it can be customized in so many different ways. From the weather complication itself to the background color, data shown, and even the icon style within the app, you make the app what you want it to be on your Apple Watch.
On the iPhone, BeWeather is a very nice weather app. You can read the full review on our sister site AppAdvice. There are a lot of nice weather apps out there; what makes this app stand out from the weather app crowd is its Apple Watch component.
I live in a place where the weather is capricious, and we can go through several seasons in a single day. Because of that, I most often use the Modular face on my Apple Watch with weather in the large complication. This way I can get a pretty detailed picture of the day and hours ahead with a quick look at my wrist. I’m not a fan of the native weather app there because it wastes a whole line telling me my location. I know where I am, I want to know more about the weather! Enter BeWeather 2.
Open the iPhone app and go to Settings, you’ll find a whole section devoted to the Apple Watch. Once there, you can choose exactly what to put into your complication. For the large complication, you get three lines to customize fully with Location Name, Conditions, Temperature and Conditions, Feels Like, Hi/Lo for Today, Temperature and Feels Like, Temperature and Hi/Lo for Today, Wind, Humidity, and UV. You also choose whether or not you want to show the Conditions Icon.
You can also customize the small complication with Conditions and Temperature, Temperature Only, Temperature and Chance of Rain, Conditions and Chance of Rain, Generic Icon and Chance of Rain, or Chance of Rain Only.
Additionally, you can fully customize how the app looks on the Apple Watch when you open it. Choose from nine different color themes and 150 different weather icon styles. Choose what information you see in the left and right watch app weather data slots: Reported At, Feels Like, Hi/Lo, Wind, Wind Gust, Humidity, Pressure, Dew Point, Visibility, and UV.
All of this customization is included in the initial price of $3.99. It’s hard to imagine anything you’d want your weather app to show you that’s not covered in BeWeather 2.