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Improve your juggling skills with this simple Apple Watch app

Improve your juggling skills with this simple Apple Watch app

March 1, 2016

The Apple Watch puts a motion-sensitive device on the wrists of owners, and while this is certainly useful in detecting a user’s activity levels day in, day out, it also allows for a number of further services. Juggle monkey, juggle is a recent App Store release that thinks up a novel (and smart) way of putting the Apple Watch to use.

So, the premise behind Juggle monkey, juggle is simple: the app is designed to monitor its user’s wrist movements when juggling. Through doing so, it can track the total number of successful juggles the Apple Watch wearer has performed in any given session.

This app will help you to improve your juggling skills. App is running on your Apple Watch and will count how many times you throw juggling ball into the air. It works like magic, but no, it is a technology!

Juggle monkey, juggle can be downloaded free of charge, and this brings support for one-handed juggling with it. More juggling styles can be unlocked, however. This IAP also brings support for counting “counts” and pace.

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After 3 seconds of no movement app will stop counting your sequence, cause you probably stopped juggling or you dropped the ball. When you start to juggle again counter will start from zero.

This is definitely a useful application for anyone looking to learn the art of juggling. And you’re already a keen juggler, on the other hand, then Juggle monkey, juggle will help you track and set new personal records. This is definitely an interesting use of the Apple Watch, and something I hadn’t anticipated before.

To unleash your inner juggler, download Juggle monkey, juggle now. As mentioned, it’s a free download on the App Store.