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Learn a new word each and every day with Wordapp for Apple Watch

Learn a new word each and every day with Wordapp for Apple Watch

February 22, 2016

Your Apple Watch might be many things, but now it can help expand your knowledge and use of language. And not just the English language, either, but French, German, Italian, and Spanish, too. This is made possible by a simple, free watchOS app called Wordapp, which you can download right now.

This piece of software really is as simple as it comes, but its use and functionality lies directly within this simplicity. You see, the application works by sending its user a daily notification featuring a brand new word and its meaning. In this way, the app is designed to help uses learn new words on a daily basis, thereby expanding and enhancing their language.

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Best of all, however, Wordapp is indeed multilingual, making it perfect not only for foreign users, but also for folks looking to develop their own understanding of a foreign language. As mentioned, French, German, Italian, and Spanish (as well as English) are all supported by the application.

You can receive a daily notification with a new word and its conception. You can read it from the widget, and you always have it on hand. You can open the app and have a complete list where to look for.

To become a real linguist, you can download Wordapp free of charge on the App Store. It’s indeed available right now. Go grab it, and start baffling your friends with your newly developed linguistic skills.