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Crunch numbers at the wrist with PCalc for Apple Watch

Crunch numbers at the wrist with PCalc for Apple Watch

January 27, 2016

Unlike the iPhone, the Apple Watch doesn’t ship with a built-in calculator application: something a number of users disputed when the smart watch first launched. The small display size of the Watch seemingly held Apple back from developing a watchOS version of their Calculator iOS app, but that hasn’t fazed developers from taking on the challenge. Case in point: PCalc, a smart piece of software that can turn your Apple Watch into a wrist-worn calculator.

PCalc on the Apple Watch uses a couple of smart tricks in order to bring a calculator interface to Cupertino’s smart watch. For starters, there’s dictation support if you feel like talking your Apple Watch through a couple of calculations (something I’ve yet to do). There’s also a full number pad inside of PCalc, and the app sends haptic feedback when a number is inputted into a calculation inside of the software. However, not every key you’d expect to see on a calculator is available inside PCalc for watchOS.

You see, with a full number pad, there isn’t enough room to include dedicated keys for the four mathematical operations (+, -, times, and divide). Instead, a “…” button provides access to a second page of keys. Tapping the same icon then reveals a further interface for calculating tips. Because of this, you can quickly and easily figure out how much you owe for a tip following a meal without inputting a lengthy formula.

There’s a lot to like about PCalc. In fact it’s a watchOS app I find myself using time and time again. Sure, it’s quick to pick your iPhone out of a pocket or handbag, but it’s even quicker to fire up a calculator on your Apple Watch and crunch numbers at the wrist. PCalc is definitely a watchOS app you should be using; it can be yours for just $4.99.