These Two Apps Let You Control A Tesla Model S and Model X Right From Your Wrist
Many months ago, we stumbled upon a YouTube video of a developer by the name of Allen Wong controlling his Tesla Model S right from his Apple Watch. The App, which later became known as Remote S, has received a lot of positive feedback with users giving it an average of 4.5 stars in the App Store.
Now a new app has come along which promises many of the same functions as Remote S for half the price ($4.99). That app, better known as KeyMote, allows users to start keyless driving, lock and unlock the car with the push of a button, turn on the AC and set desired temperature, see remaining battery, and much more.
Of course for half the price, it does look like you lose some features such as full panoramic roof control.
The app also allows the Model S and X users to geolocate their car on a map, something that Remote S also provides. Once the car is moving, you can also monitor your speed and location right from your wrist. Neat!
To be honest, if I was a Model S or Model X owner, I’d probably spring the extra $5 for Remote S mostly because I think it looks nicer and it seems to have credibility amongst Tesla owners. That said, if you’re looking to for an app that will do most of the core functions, KeyMote looks like it’s certainly a winner.
I also can’t help but get excited at the idea of not needing keys and this app is an example of that. Being able to just get into my car, and control various settings from either my wrist is one of the reasons why I’m really optimistic on the future of the Watch. If the Watch can slowly replace the idea of putting bulky keys in my pocket, I’m more than happy to pay $500+ every few years.