New Sport Bands: Style Vision Or Tunnel Vision?
I have a black Apple Watch Sport. I think it’s possibly the most popular version of the low-end tier, at least among males ages whatever to whatever. In both pre– and post-release polls, this variant performed extremely well, and if it’s not the most sought-after model in the line, it’s certainly not far behind.
Of course, with Apple’s new “Fall Collection” of Sport Bands, you’d be forgiven for thinking Space Gray was lightyears away. Check it out:
Yup. Only one Band — the original black elastomer that ships with aforementioned model — actually matches the black latch of the black Sport. Every other option only comes with the silver aluminum’s stainless peg hardware. As far as fashion statements go, that’s pretty much a slap in the face for folks like me who really wanted a few spare Bands to mix things up.
See that? That’s $150 Cupertino won’t be getting from this Apple Watch user. And I’m willing to bet that a whole lot of new Gold and Rose Gold Sport owners feel the same way.
The company’s Band landing page says:
designed bands.
Change the look of your Apple Watch
to make it even more personal.
“Thoughtfully designed” my rear end.
Hey, I’m a sloppy guy, but even I dont wear mismatched socks. C’mon, Apple. Forget “thinking different” for a minute — just think. Jeez.
Oh well, I guess that money can go towards an Apple TV in a couple of weeks.