Watch App Developers Handicapped By Apple's Marketing Policies
This might be old news for third party app-makers familiar with Cupertino’s shenanigans, but I’m not a developer. Several years ago, I tried to be, but I can’t write complex code to save my life. Sentences, fine. HTML and CSS, okay. Anything else? Forget it.
But yesterday, I got some rare insight from a developer whose app (currently approved but in watchOS bug-fix limbo) looks to push Apple Watch gaming beyond its heretofore absurd limitations. Of course, the dev in question couldn’t share much, and even gameplay video was off-limits.
Aside from some fascinating marketing semantics stuff (It’s high time that watch puns were formally forbidden!), the guidelines are especially crippling for developers looking to get the word out about their work. This part in particular pretty much makes it impossible for creators to publicly promote their art:
5.4 Custom photography and video
Custom photography, animation, and video of Apple Watch are not permitted.
Basically, this means that a developer can’t present a video of a live app running on actual Apple Watch hardware without running afoul of the Apple’s terms and conditions. That’s a pretty big deterrent for small startups (since you can be certain this rule is selectively enforced), but it’s an even bigger handicap, as it keeps app previews limited to simulated pictures and videos. Even if one were to zoom in on the Apple Watch screen alone (cropping out all hardware), Apple Watch’s screen itself — and the glass over it — is hardware, too. Beyond taking the risk that Apple won’t catch you, there’s no way around this restriction. Developers are simply not allowed to show their apps in action.
But there’s a silver lining: If you dont want Apple crashing your party before it starts but still need Apple Watch users to see your cool new ideas, give our Watch Apps showcase a try. You can submit your app and custom assets here, and we’ll work with you to give your potential customers the best preview possible.
If you’re an Apple Watch developer and interested in this free program, email us for more information or get started at the link above.