Report: Apple Watch Users Have Stopped Using Traditional Watches
According to 451 Research, most Apple Watch users have stopped using traditional watches altogether. The report shows that 54% of Apple Watch users say they are “very satisfied” with their device, while 82% of Apple Watch owners, who also own a traditional watch, say that Apple Watch has completely replaced it.
The Watch has replaced other third party products, including traditional watches and dedicated health and fitness monitors, the researchers claim – 16 percent have even cancelled a planned watch purchase to get hold of an Apple Watch.
Jitesh Ubrani, senior analyst for IDC, recently said: “About two of every three smart wearables shipped this quarter was an Apple Watch. If this trend continues it seems likely we’ll see more decline in traditional wearables sales, and the company is already expected to dominate this segment until 2019.
The research claims that 28% of Apple Watch owners say their new smart watch exceeds expectations, while 51% say it meets expectations. Features such as Notifications, Health & Fitness, and even Industrial Design are the most appreciated aspects of the Watch. Battery life was considered the most disliked attribute of the Watch. Users also said that they didn’t like the selection of apps, learning curve, as well as the omission of waterproofing.
“When Apple Watch owners were asked whether they’d recommend their new device to a friend or colleague, a robust 83% say they’re Very (55%) or Somewhat Likely (28%) to do so.”