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Did Uncrate Really Just Insult Apple Watch?

Did Uncrate Really Just Insult Apple Watch?

June 12, 2015

I’m generally a big fan of Uncrate’s EDC and Garb series, and I’ve certainly purchased my fair share of featured stuff over the years, but today’s “Blue Flame” EDC showcase is…confusing.

Or insulting.

In either case, it’s pretty funny, and it’s perfect for a Friday. Here’s what the curators at the men’s accessory outlet think you should tote around when you’re looking to match a particularly cool-colored outfit:


I can’t think of a more useless thing to carry than a pocket knife “trainer.” These things are designed for in-store and/or live defense demonstrations, and they’re otherwise for youngsters who need a little practice closing liner-lock folders with one hand. Such a “knife” has no real-world application as an EDC implement, and I can’t figure why Uncrate included it.

Common sense says that they simply chose the thing because it has colored scales of approximately the same hue as the Apple Watch anchor in the collection (none of the other Emerson-collaborated Kershaws do, though two seconds of searching shows that this Benchmade Mini Grip absolutely does). Still, it’s a lot more amusing to interpret all this as an underhanded insult echoing what much of the Internet thinks of Apple’s new hotness — namely its first-gen “uselessness.” And there is a compelling argument for Apple Watch 1 being more of a smartwatch primer than a truly useful device.

But since Uncrate ultimately exists to drive sales via link affiliation, I doubt they’re actually hating on Cupertino’s wearable. And I don’t think they’re quite clever enough to be so craftily snide in the first place.

Unfortunately, I’m not able to show you what a real Apple Watch EDC looks like, but if you’re curious about mine, ping me on Twitter and I’ll share a pic.

[Image via Consumer Reports]