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Vine For Apple Watch Launching With watchOS 2

Vine For Apple Watch Launching With watchOS 2

June 8, 2015

As with all things Apple, hardware introductions are mere appetizers, the main course always coming in the form of the belated software buffet. That’s been true with every mobile in the company’s history, and it’s been (perhaps exponentially) the case with Apple Watch.

With the unveiling of watchOS 2, however, the entire WatchKit SDK — sensors and all — is being opened up to developers. Native Watch Apps, running wholly untethered from iPhone, will bring both the speed and the utility we all so desperately crave to the platform we all so desperately want to.

One of the first apps announced for the updated OS is Vine, the familiar Twitter-owned video-sharing service. Everything the team at Vine wanted out of a wearable experience was handcuffed by Apple’s early system lockdowns, but now, finally able to tap into the root, that Vine is able to climb. Yep, watchOS 2 now has full support for video! Naturally, then, we’ve got a video highlighting the service’s new wrist-centric capabilities coming soon. Stay tuned.

[Image via SlashGear]