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Flexibits Announces Upcoming Fantastical Apple Watch App

Flexibits Announces Upcoming Fantastical Apple Watch App

May 29, 2015

Flexibits, makers of the popular calendar app Fantastical, have just announced an upcoming version of their calendar app coming to the Apple Watch. A teaser page on their website reads “It’s almost time” before transitioning over to an Apple Watch showing a screenshot of the soon-to-be-released app.

Fantastical Apple watch

Fantastical 2 is widely considered to be one of the better Calendar replacements available for both iOS and the Mac because of its simple user interface and its ability to easily create events based on natural language input. While no specific date as been given, Flexbits has tweeted that it’s “almost here” so our guess is that we’ll likely see it before WWDC which will start on June 8th.

You can Grab Fantastical 2 for iPhone from the App Store for $4.99 so that you’re prepared for the Apple Watch update.