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Apple Watch: Its Form Is Its Function

Apple Watch: Its Form Is Its Function

May 22, 2015

Mark Miller:

This last week, I was on vacation with my family (who gave the watch to me) and at a conference where my watch was noticed (a lot!). Amidst the oohs and ahs and people calling it iWatch, I was repeatedly asked the question, “What does it do?” As I answered that question, I realized that the functions of Apple Watch are unique to its form. It’s an oft-quoted maxim that “form follows function,” but in the case of Apple Watch, I believe the exact opposite is true: the Apple Watch’s form is its function. It is Apple’s discipline to allow the form to dictate its function that has set up the Watch for success in a way only Apple could.

Another great piece by Mark Miller. Answering the question of “What does it do?” is difficult. As Miller points out, the better way to approach the Watch is to paint it as a product that is capable of doing so much simply because its an LCD display with sensors that’s almost always strapped to your wrist.

Being able to easily get the time was the reason people started wearing watches in the first place. All Apple is doing here is taking the wrist and making it far more capable.

And we’re only one month in.