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Tony Fadell On Apple Watch's One Big Problem

Tony Fadell On Apple Watch's One Big Problem

May 12, 2015

Chris Smith, BGR:

The most important thing [Tony Fadell] had to note about smartwatches in general, including the Apple Watch, is that they all have one big problem…

This is going to be good.

Tony Fadell, for those who don’t know, is kind of a big deal. A former Apple executive, he’s commonly referred to as “one of the fathers of the iPod,” having helped pioneer and shop the idea of a portable MP3 player before ending up in Cupertino and helping to develop one of the most groundbreaking consumer technology devices of all time. He left Apple in 2008, founded Nest Labs, sold it to Google last year for $3.2 billion, and used some of the proceeds to buy a million-dollar Patek Philippe. He’s a tech guy and a watch guy. I can’t wait to hear his thoughts on Apple Watch’s biggest shortcoming.

…and that’s battery life.
