What People Are Getting Wrong About The Apple Watch
Steve Kovach, Business Insider:
The Apple Watch is best used as that: a watch. It’s something you check for a second or two and then put away. And in 2015, it’s nice to have a watch that can do more than simply tell time. We can carry it around with us everywhere we go, and it springs to life when it receives a notification: a text, an email, a tweet, a Facebook message. Those notifications don’t always need a response, but they are important to glance at, just like the time.
This is exactly how I’ve felt after using the Watch for about a week. The tech-oriented crowd is being overly critical of something that I don’t think they quite understand: Fashion. The argument of “Why do I need this?” is an argument you can make for virtually any product that isn’t your smartphone or laptop. Why do you need to tailor that suit? Why do you need that nicer pair of shoes? These are all questions that can’t fully be answered with a logic that makes sense to some people. And the Watch fits right into that.
Kovach’s first line of this piece says it all “I don’t think I can stress this enough: It’s a watch.”