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News360 is a personalized news app with millions of registered users. News360 learns what each user is interested in by analyzing their reading habits, and creates a unique, tailored news feed for each reader.
Personalized notifications
The stories you'll receive as push notifications are tailored specifically to your interests and habits, so you always know the latest, whether it's a breaking current events story or the latest tech gossip.
Home feed
All of your News360 Home feed is available on your Apple Watch, without limits on how many you want to see.
To make news consumption on the Apple Watch easy and quick, News360 automatically creates 2-3 sentence summaries of each story you see. Swipe through stories in your Home feed, use the digital crown to scroll through the summary and photos, and then use Hand Off to continue reading on your iPhone.
News360 Inc.

We all share a common goal: to help great content discover smart readers. We work a lot, solve hard problems, have fun and at the end of day we are building something that helps people and makes them happy.