This Homemade App Sends Messages Using Morse Code
If you’re someone who loves sending messages on the Apple Watch, there’s a new method that might intrigue you.
Patryk Laurent, a cognitive scientist at the Brain Corporation based in San Diego, reveled a new way to type and send messages on the Apple Watch using an app he created.
The app uses only two characters, either a dash or a dot, just like Morse Code. Basically, if you can understand Morse Code, then this app may be of some real use to you.
The idea of tapping out messages in Morse code came pretty naturally when thinking about ways to communicate subtly using the touch interface,” said Laurent. “This way, I would be able to send or reply to text messages without having to use dictation – especially useful if [I’m] in a meeting or a seminar.
Prior to this app, some users attempted to send Morse-like code via Apple’s own Digital Tough, but unfortunately, Apple didn’t include the ability to implement a long dash-like tap. Instead, Digital Tough relies completely on small short taps.
While the app is not available to the public yet, it is interesting to see the types of accessibility apps that can be built on the Apple Watch. Morse Code, while not known by many people, is certainly a type of communication that could grow in popularity just because of the Apple Watch.