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The Dumbest Apple Watch Accessory

The Dumbest Apple Watch Accessory

October 8, 2015

The Apple Watch accessory market has been pretty well denounced as a pointless penny-grab. While I mostly disagree with that notion (I wear an Actionproof Bumper on my 42mm Sport and love it), there is one class of add-on that I just dont get: the travel case. These things make literally no sense to me.

Juli Clover of MacRumors reviews the new $250 bison-leather Travel Folio from Incase and luxury outfit Parabellum. This blurb should explain everything:

When traveling, the Apple Watch can be placed under the leather of the right side of the Folio…


When traveling, the Apple Watch can be placed on the wrist to perform the very functions for which it was designed.

Seriously, a travel case for your watch? Unless you’re lugging a suitcase full of timepieces to a trade show or going to the scummiest, most crime-ridden places on the planet, you dont need this kind of thing. After all, you are biologically equipped with the most perfect Apple Watch carry device possible. And it costs nothing. Use it.

[Image via MacRumors]