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Introducing The Amazing Iradish Smartwatch

Introducing The Amazing Iradish Smartwatch

September 14, 2015


Sounds like something the mud-eating Elbonians would come up with as an outsourced design for Dilbert’s nameless tech corporation. Say it with a vaguely Romanian accent: “iRadish.”

Billed by GeekSnack as a “cheaper alternative to the Apple Watch,” the Iradish Y6 smartwatch — which costs around $35 — is anything but. Of course, like any decent Chinese knockoff, the thing does its best to ape Apple Watch within the manufactory budget of “next to nothing,” and it shows.

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In particular, the OS is the worst aspect of these things, no matter their size and shape and brand variations. Indeed, it seems to be the same generic garbage that’s been on all such items since day one, albeit with a slight re-skin to circular icons instead of the standard squares of past versions.

At 10 percent the price of Apple’s cheapest wearable, this thing is still a rip-off.