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China Is Not Amused By This Apple Watch Edition-Wearing Dog

China Is Not Amused By This Apple Watch Edition-Wearing Dog

May 26, 2015

Nicole Goodkind, Yahoo Finance:

The 27-year-old son…of China’s richest man is causing quite a stir in Shanghai after posting photos of his dog wearing two gold Apple Watches (AAPL) with the caption, “I have new watches! I’m supposed to have four watches since I have four long legs. But that seems too uncouth so I kept it down to two, which totally fits my status. Do you have one?”

The photos were uploaded to Chinese social media site Weibo, (WB) where the heir maintains a page dedicated to his dog. The posts have recieved more than 6,000 comments so far – many of which are laced with outrage and jealousy.

Reminds me of the time I put a pair of $150 Ray-Bans on my cat and everyone got mad.

Considering that China is the primary market for Apple Watch Edition, prepare to see a lot more stuff like this (and this) as the device starts rolling off the assembly lines. You know, in China.

There’s all kinds of sad irony there.