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TechRax Presents The Apple Watch Edition Unboxing

May 24, 2015

Popular YouTube celebrity TechRax has put out the first Apple Watch Edition unboxing of note, and it’s certainly something to behold. What’s most striking about it, however, is that Edition’s packaging and presentation isn’t substantially better or more refined than the much less expensive stainless tier’s box and papers. Sure, you get a leather-covered whatsit with some cheap charging throughput and a glossy manual with some gold on the back, but for the supremely luxurious Edition markup, I was expecting something a little more, you know, luxurious.

I mean, look at it. The deep navy leather doesn’t even make sense for the Black Sport Band combo TechRax ordered, albeit I’d imagine the wrapping would look better mated with a matching leather Band. Even then, though, it doesn’t strike me as appropriately display-worthy. It’s utilitarian, and that’s fine, but when you’re showing off a $10,000-plus wristwatch atop your dresser or on a lighted display shelf inside your safe or glass cabinet, I feel like the thing should be vertically oriented and fully visible instead of lying on its side half covered by the lip of a comparatively cheap, ugly enclosure. I fully understand Apple balancing expectation with profit margin, but I think a little more thought was warranted in Edition’s heretofore lauded charging cradle.

Of course, as Philip Elmer-DeWitt points out, TechRax’s causes célèbre are basically destroying expensive tech products to the delight (and/or admonishment) of his two million subscribers. So hopefully this thing — substandard box and all — will get the short end of the stick (of dynamite). Maybe TechRax can hook up with CrazyRussianHacker and his brother at Slow Mo Lab to capture some real carnage.

A golden Desert Eagle blasting a Golden Saber into a golden Apple Watch at 50,000 FPS would be…golden.